Saturday, May 7, 2011




The allegory of the cave

The allegory of the cave is metaphor. Even though we may consider it as a metaphor for numerous things, Plato uses it as a metaphor to describe his theory of the forms.
Prisoners in a cave can only see shadows which exhibit the reality ad there is nothing more to life. They can see the world once they escape from the prison.
Plato has divided boundary of knowledge. Generally, at the nethermost, is our visual perception of the physical materials on the biosphere, which he compares to prisoners in a cave seeing shadows. At the topmost of the boundary, is mathematics and forms.
The forms are indescribable which inclusive the roundness, liberty and perfection. Everybody in the world may become longer bloom with blissful, but that does not destroy the concept of happiness. For example:

Religious experience or being free from any religion
once we know that there is something beyond the innermost of the cave and the shadows on the wall, the desire to see it overwhelming and tends to do anything to see the light on the outside.

Example the theory which relates to our real life nowadays..?
  • The Christians and Atheist cluster always arguing over the existence of God. They are so busy rebelling over what happens when they die, that the blinders, blind them from life. They get over that the important part is living our life in a way that we feel is morally acceptable, we all should do this regardless of our view on God, yet these groups will fight over God rather than what is right and wrong in this world, now, and working on things we can entirely consent o, which includes preventing murder, theft, and suffering as much as possible.
I could be wrong, but it is just something that I think really shows people putting blinders on and not noticing what happens around them, the things in this life is that they can fix, instead of the next life, which they can’t control. 


.S Y L L O G I S M.
Mark Anthony

Syairah :
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears:
According to Brutus, An honorable man,
Caesar was an ambitious man,
Ambitious man brought many captives or restrained home to Rome,
But Caesar did not fill the coffins with any ransoms,
Therefore, Caesar is not ambitious,
and Thus, Brutus is not an honorable man as he incriminates Caesar with no concrete evidence.

Aniza Salwa:
Anthony speak not to disapprove what Brutus spoke,
Anthony speech was based on his stand,
He disagree for what Brutus spoke,
Therefore, his speak was to disapprove what Brutus spoke.

Anis Suhaila:
Brutus says he was ambitious,
No ambitious man refuse a Kingly crown in the Lupercal,
Yet, Caesar did thrice refuse,
Hence Caesar was not an ambitious man,
But sure Brutus is an honorable man.


  • Love is blind
  • Death is salvation
  • Beverage is a dish that best served cold
  • Life is a journey
  • Time is gold
  • Being in home is heaven
  • Broken heart is like a scratch CD. 


  • Life is like a box of chocolate
  • As beautiful as a moon
  • Starvation is like thousands of pricking needles in stomach
  • Other examples of SIMILE:

*      Ridiculous Similes in Music History (Nelly Furtado – “I’m Like A Bird”)
Offending Lyric:
“I’m like a bird, I’ll only fly away/ I don’t know where my soul is, I don’t know where my home is”
 While birds may not be terribly preoccupied with metaphysical questions about the location of their souls, they most certainly know where their homes are. It's sort of what they're known for. Homing pigeons, for example, have been let out of cages half way across the country and somehow managed to find their way back home.
Perhaps a more fitting, albeit less poetic, choice would be for Nelly to compare herself to a homeless man with a hang-glider or a jet pack. This new lyric balances her absence of a home with her soul.

Read more: 12 Most Ridiculous Similes in Music History |



The theory of relativity introduced by Albert Einstein is known as the Einstein Twin Paradox. This considers a pair of brothers, identical twins. One has travelled by rocket space into the deep space and circumnavigates the entire world with the speed of light. While the other one just stays on Earth and continue his life as a normal person. When the travelled twin turns home, he discovers that he is far younger than his brother. However, even though that his brother is getting old, his brother has attain the fullest contentment rather than the one that travelled on the entire world as he undergone the true love, happiness, sadness and other meaningful experiences.

Einstein hypothesis forms the fundamentals of the renowned thinking test better recognized as the twin paradox, where a twin that journeys on a speeding rocket craft would come back to earth younger than the twin that remained earthbound.
The theory of relativity as purported by Einstein forecasted that time does not occur at equal rates as it could be altered by speed. Special relativity shows that measurements of distance and time depend on how fast you are travelling - a result that goes against our everyday experiences.

Besides that, there was another case in which proves that time does not exist. Inclusively, a guy had fallen in love with a pretty lady. While he was ironing his clothes, he unintentionally touched the hot iron and simultaneously thinks of the beauty of his dream girl. He felt so contented when thinking of his beloved and beyond his consciousness, he had get over the hot sense of the iron. The experience result is indescribable. 



Wednesday, March 2, 2011


After had been through critical thinking process that was so “pleasing”.. under my investigation, I found that, the most likely suspect to be the Jack the Ripper is.. Michael Ostrog!!

The mysterious Michael Ostrog ??

In my opinion, I believed that Michael Ostrog is the most likely suspect to be Jack the Ripper is because of his suspicious character that lies behind his evil face. Moreover, I already provide several concrete evidences to support my statement. 

Firstly, he is a mystifying and a Russian con man. This is because he has numerous aliases and disguises which make his assassination progression easier. Besides, he has more than 5 aliases which make the police intricate to identify the exact identity of him. Plus, the title con man refers to the confidence trickster which proves that he was expert in unscrupulous and perplexing others. 

secondly, he used to be a Med Russian Doctor and as a doctor, he must has a huge experience in doing surgery and it is tally with Jack the Ripper’s assassination style that mutilate the body of the victims in surgical ways. Furthermore, he always brings along surgical knives in his pocket which concretizes the evidence shown that a scalpel was found at the murder scene. 

Thirdly, he suffered a mental problem and was sent to Survey Pauper Lunatic Asylum on 30th September 1887, just a year before the murder cases. Additionally, he was said to be insane while he was in prison which has supported the detectives’ statement that the murderer might suffer mental illness. An insane people behavior was unpredictable plus dynamic, and this is might lead Ostrog to commit murder without any hesitation. 

Likewise, he has a criminal background and he was recorded committing crime since 1863 which he could probably do it again in next time. Hence, he was sentenced to too many imprisonments and this could show that he is a determined person to further his assassination procedure.

Based on the concrete evidences provided, I strongly consent that Michael Ostrog is most likely to be the Jack the Ripper..  who is the famous spiteful murderer in Whitechaple, London.. unsolved mysteries finally solved.. J ..


The 1st assignment was released and distributed by Mr Kamaraziz Kamaruzaman on February 21st, 2011 (Monday).  Altogether, there were 4 articles disseminated to us which include:

1.    1) The Degree of Happiness         (Bertrand Arthur William Russel)
2.   2) Thinking Folly                                 (Eckhart Tolle)
3.   3) Man and Women are Merely Player    (Robert Greene)
4.   4) The Jews and their Deceits              (Adolf Hitler)
My general impression??! Huh??

When I got those articles, my general impression is that the whole article is totally adjacent to my interest. Frankly speaking, all of the articles are uninteresting and unappealing. Perhaps it was because of the high-lexis word used and the visual view is not attractive at all. The articles just lay on my table for a couple of days and when suddenly, I was intentionally to read it. When I go through those articles, I found that the story was extremely far beyond my expectations. I thought those articles are very dull and seems so academically written. However, it was not that bad as it was discussing about the general issue and perspective view of a famous writer. My level of curiosity mounting as the articles were fascinating and I can’t wait to explore more about the articles plus start working on the 1st assignment.. Keep it up! Chaiiyokk2~!!    


Haluu~ guys!

Recently, I had watched a film with my classmates.. titled ‘Plan 
Nine From The Outer Space’, directed by Edward Wood, Jr..

!! Plan 9 From ThE Outer Space !!

We are supposedly to comment on a comment regarding on this film.. For instance... 

: comment :

From my very own perspective, I do agree with this person which stated the film ‘Plan Nine from the Outer Space’ was only measured against others in Wood’s filmography. This is because, even though the effect of the film seems very dull and nonsense, but it still have the tendency to attract the audience to hang about on their seat as the film director had instill humorous elements, and thus, the audience will laugh at the unintentionally funny tale. The film director, Wood interleave hilarious elements of science fiction, horror, drama, suspense, politics seems that his endeavor to tackle every famous theme during his time. Though the film seems fails on every account which the inclusive of clichés elements such as grave robbery, UFOs, monsters and mad scientist, however the combination of the elements has created an unintentionally laugh at the weaknesses of the film which we might think that it was the silliest film at all. Therefore, the film is apt with internationally recognized as the worst film ever made. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Haluuu guys . . .
Do you know that every creature has their own thinking posture in order to generate brilliant idea??
Hmm.. Let me tell you something about the thinking process..  Thinking process is very unique as it involves processing information over circuits in the association of cortex and other parts of the brain. This process would involve changes at the synapses that is, at the points where impulses pass from one neuron (brain cell) to another and finally.. walakhh~.. EUREKA!!

Let us enjoy the process of critical thinking ! think3 !!

Friday, February 18, 2011


Haluu guys..
we meet again.. J ..
As for today, I’ll be critically think about the superstitions by using both part of our brain that includes criticizing and emphasizing.. Hereby, the 3 superstitions will inclusive proposition which support the statement with justification..

Don’t be lazy to sweep your floor, okay .. J 

·         The superstition is nonsense because our fortune is already preset by the Almighty and we cannot simply ends our bad luck by sweeping the floor after dark.
           Based on the logical thinking, during the earlier times, the elderly people must have been fear of losing valuables such as a small gold earring because of the poor lighting systems at that time.

·         The superstition is illogical as sweeping is not a divine action that will purely split ends our bad luck.
           The superstition is considerable as it was just encourage society nowadays to do housework during the day, not during the night.
·         The superstition is basically is just a pure taboo because there has no relation at all between sweeping and fortune
           The superstition is accepted because during the night, they want to gather with their family to tighten the family bonding instead of doing the chores.

cat can predict rain??

           The superstition is illogical as it is not possible for a harmless animal like cats attributed the supernatural skill to forecasts the weather.
           The superstition may be used during the old days as during that time, there were no weather forecasts for the upcoming weather outlook, so they had their own way to identify tomorrow’s weather by the signs of nature.

           The superstition is unreasonable because only the Almighty has the power to determine the upcoming weather, not the helpless cat.

           The superstition may be an alternative for the elderly people to determine the weather as cat is believe that is it possible to produce rain by pouring water over cat. A single sneeze may portend rain.  

           The superstition is nonsense because there is no scientifically proven research that cat can draw the rain by just washing their faces.

           In modern times although the cat has not yet recovered its lost status as goodness, it still remains serene, civilized, god-like and utterly and mysterious

cut your nail during the day.. !!

           The superstition has no relations to each other as it would seem a kind of foolish for someone to be haunted because of the illogical reason like this.

           In the old times there was no bright light at night and the tendency of people to get cut their finger in accident is higher as the light from candle is not bright as fluorescent light.

           The superstition is irrational as the existence of ghost is still questioned and puzzled until now.

           The superstition is relevant as during at that time, the elderly people encourage the society to gather around and tighten the family bonding instead of cutting nails at night.

           The superstition is nonsense because the action of cutting nail is not a prohibited ritual that will invite the ghost to haunt someone.

           The superstition is acceptable because at that time, there were no modern technology to cut their nails and they prone to use sharp knife, so the eldest afraid that the action might hurting them.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



To                     =     Topic
Create              =     Content
Something        =     Source
Awkward         =     Audience
Remind            =     Rhetorical Function
Pepperoni       =     Purpose
Plankton         =     Perspective
Pie                   =     Positioning
In                     =     Impact
Valentine         =     Visual Literacy

.: have to bear in mind . . Important in da future . . :) 

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hello Everybody..  Welcome to my X zone.. I’m still new in blogging.. I’m not very good in writing as I don't even know what to write on this digital sheet.. I don’t know what to babble about.. Actually, this blog is just for academic purpose only, which is for Critical Literary taught by Sir Kamaraziz Kamaruzaman.. Whom are my mentor.. And I am his mentee..

Okay, Now, let us talk about my EUREKA moment. I’m sure everybody do experience eureka moment in their life. Eureka is used to express triumph upon finding or discovering something. As for me, I would like to share my Eureka moment during working with The Star Publication, Johor Baru as a journalist.

While waiting for my SPM result, I’ve got an opportunity to work at the newspaper company. It was the precious moment that I would never forget.

My first assignment was determined with Meera Vijayan and we went to Ulu Tiram to make a story about an unfortunate single mother have predicaments. Meera help me a lot and give me free tutorial on how to be a good journalist. On our way to the office, we chattered a lot about each of us and I get to know her better. Furthermore, she also shared her experienced when dealing with appalling incident such as commit suicide, murder cases, and others. When arrived at the office, she taught me on how to write a complete article according to The Star format. Same goes with everyday. I went on assignment with the other reporters and cameraman as well. Nevertheless, I found that, they seem does not like me. Whenever I was around, they seem staring at me sharply. I was so confused and felt rather glum. This condition continuously happened for about one week.

One fine day, I have got to go to Kampung Bakar Batu, Johor Baru to report on the burnt squatters with my cameraman, Bro Rahman. At the scene, I met the other reporters from varies newspaper department, and not excluding the television reporters as well. I felt like being alienated and ignored. I just do my job as usual, interview the victims and collected all the information from the firemen department and go back to the office to finish up my storyline.

Suddenly, my boss called me and asked me for hi-tea. After finished my storyline, then we both went to kopitiam nearby and have a talk. He said that he had receive a call from the other press and stated that I was behaved arrogantly with the other reporters at the scene. I was so surprised as far as I concerned, I never being like that before. I was just too enthusiast to finish my story and tends to ignore others. Besides, he also advised earnestly to always keep on smiling instead of my frown facial expression makes the other staff afraid to admonish and greet me. He said that other staffs are frightened of my serious expression and they tend to avoid me and think that I was so angry plus cannot be friend with.

Eureka! Now I know why the other staff stared strangely at me. It was because of my serious expression! My boss advised me to keep on smiling always. He also stated that, ‘it takes 37 muscles to frown and 22 muscles to smile’. From that day, I start keep on smiling to whoever creature that I met. Besides, I always greet them whenever I saw them and as a result, the relationship between me and other staffs getting better. I admit that it was very hard for me to suit with the new environment.  I am just a person who is human, down to the earth enjoying life. So, smile always... it conserves energy! :) ..

smile owez, okay?  
sometimes, i was forced to smile .. lol .. :D ..

EUREKA! I got it! 

Whoopiiee! Eureka! ooops??

Eureka! what women wants..

just for fun~ .. smile oweyz..! :) 

some samples of my article: